July 2013

BL Notable Spotlight: Diana Rothschild

Diana Rothschild-NextKids-s

Diana chose coaching at a time of opportunity, not challenge, when she was a successful Strategy Consultant. Today, Diana Rothschild is the Founder and Chief Mom of NextKids. Her commitment to sustainable business endures and has evolved. Hear Diana share about NextKids and why she feels called to lead there. Her insights may help and inspire you, too.


Collaborate: Play Your A-Game

Collaboration is hard-wired into our nature. That doesn't make it easy, though. We want creativity but as soon as differences arise, there’s tension and possible dissonance. We want to bring our A-game to working together and achieving outstanding results, but plenty of times, the default self takes over and we cope for “good enough,” "staying under the radar" or to “get it over with.”

Three essential building blocks for a positive collaboration culture are: Appreciation, Agreements and Accountability. Together they build trust and allow for creative synergy.

Lead: Are You at a Crossroads?


Are you at a crossroads? Maybe it’s an opportunity for pause that goes deeper than choosing direction or what project to take on now. I’m thinking of an identity crossroads, a transformational juncture leaders periodically encounter.

“Who am I now and what am I creating with my choices?”

I remember sitting with a friend about a year ago at a literal crossroads on our hiking trail. He was awakening to powerful new truths about himself and deliberating about letting go of identities - both professional and personal - with which he no longer felt aligned. He could no longer be that person; the weight of trying was crushing him. ... Read More...